Eggless Brownie Recipe in Hindi

Sizzling eggless chocolate brownie

To make the brownies, first melt the chocolate.
first i will take a pan, Put water in the pan about a cup, now put a bowl on top of it.
This method we call double boiler
Here I have taken 200 gram dark chocolate, which I will cut with a knife, see that the chocolate has been cut and our water is also boiling, now we will put the chocolate in the bowl and with it I am adding four spoons of Amul’s salted butter
chocolate and butter to melt slowly on a low flame
Once the chocolate has started melting, mix it well
Here we will remove the bowl from the boiler
Here I put a sieve over the bowl
200 grams powdered sugar will be added
With this I am adding 200 grams of all purpose flour
I am adding half a teaspoon of baking powder
When I am adding half cup coco powder
sieve everything and mix well

with this I am adding a spoonful of vanilla essence
Add half a cup of curd
mix it well, mix all the things well, see the batter is ready
I am adding some chopped walnuts and if you do not like walnuts then you can also make plain brownies
On the other side, I have put a pan on the gas, I am adding a little salt to it and will let the pan preheat for 5 minutes, keep the gas medium flame
I am using that kind of tray to make brownies
Grease a little butter all over
Pour the mixture into the tray and set it with any spoon or spatula
putting some walnuts on top
Here our kadhai has also been preheated, we will put a stand on it and keep your tray on top of this stand and cover it
Cook the brownies for 30 minutes
Cook the brownies for 15 minutes on medium heat and cook for 15 minutes on low flame
After 30 minutes our brownie is ready, see it is very well cooked
Take out the brownie carefully and let it cool at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes, then here our brownie has cooled down.
Look it is very soft, our brownie is absolutely perfect even in size
cut brownie into pieces
Know we prepare our sizzler plate on the other side
I have kept the plate on hi flame
When the plate becomes hot and light smoke starts coming from it, then lift the plate carefully and keep it in the tray
First put some chocolate sauce on a hot tray and place two brownie pieces with it
Place vanilla ice cream scoops on top of the brownie. Use any ice cream of your choice, a little chocolate scoop on top.
Put some chocolate sauce on the side of it
Along with this, add some walnuts on top for garnishing.
Our Chocolate Walnut Brownie is ready to eat which you can enjoy with your family and kids❤✌

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